Visit as we join fellow Gulf Coast Reads libraries in an engaging, informative, and thought-provoking conversation with Kirk Wallace Johnson, author of the 2023 Gulf Coast Reads selection, The Fisherman and the Dragon. Mr. Johnson will be joined by Texas Observer reporter Lise Olsen. The Fisherman and the Dragon is a gripping, twisting account of a small, Texas Gulf Coast town set on fire by hatred, xenophobia, and ecological disaster—a story that weaves together corporate malfeasance, a battle over shrinking natural resources, a turning point in the modern white supremacist movement, and one woman’s relentless battle for environmental justice.
Kirk Wallace Johnson is the author of The Feather Thief and To Be a Friend Is Fatal, and the founder of the List Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies, which he started after serving with USAID in Fallujah. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker and The New York Times, and on This American Life, among others. For more about The Fishermen and the Dragon or to check out a copy, visit the  library catalog.  
