ILL Services
InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Services
“Click here for Interlibrary Loan”
Log into the new Texas Armadillo System with your library card number (username) and PIN to start your search!
ILL service is available at Pasadena Public Library to established library customers who meet the following criteria:
• Library account must have a working email or local phone number listed.
• Library account must be free of usage blocks.
• Library account cannot be expired or temporary.
Some limitations on requests do apply:
• Items owned by Pasadena Public Library cannot be requested through the ILL service.
• Items owned by Harris County Public Library or Bellaire City Library can be placed on hold and should not be requested through ILL.
• Only Pasadena Public Library cards (beginning with D02) can be used to place and pick up ILLs at Pasadena Public Libraries.
• New items (published last six months) should not be requested through the ILL service.
• Customers cannot exceed 5 requests at a time.
Please note that ILL materials are coming from libraries across the country and each library may have different rules about delivery, renewals and fees. Delivery time is usually 2 to 4 weeks. Checkout is limited to one 4-week checkout with no renewals. Additional time is dependent upon the lending library. Ask a librarian to make the request, and we will let you know if the extension is approved. The libraries we borrow from usually do not have fees or lending restrictions.
Each ILL material will come with an ILL slip wrapped around or otherwise attached to the item. Loss of this slip can result in the item being marked lost, as the slip contains the barcode needed to check in the item. To make sure ILL items are promptly removed from your account, please return them directly to the Circulation desk and not in the book drop or the automatic book return.
Have questions? Please feel free to contact the library.